Thursday, December 20, 2007


So I keep having these negative thoughts run through my head...
I'm so tired - My feet hurt - My neck is stiff - I hate cold showers
...but I just remind myself that I am so blessed. I am blessed to have the opportunity to spend a week in the Gulf working on hurricane relief. I am blessed to be physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy to be able to do the work that many wish they could do. I am thankful to God, my family, and friends for supporting me through this journey to assist others in need (especially during the holiday season).

Today is DAY #3 of work days...we will be headed out to the Musician's Village again in about a half hour (must keep this short so I can go eat some breakfast before the van pulls out). I am excited because I believe that I will be working with the same group of individuals (Dan, Erin, and Gail...the women are not a part of our Bluffton group) to put siding on a house. I can't wait to finish the one side that we started working on yesterday...I feel such a great sense of accomplishment when I stand back at the end of the day to see all the progress we have made on one family's home. I am excited to head off to the work site today!


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